
Lodz University of Technology

(Faculty of Chemistry)

Did you have questions?

+48 501 773 374

Write to us:

Administrative matters

(registration, etc.)

ADEPT sp. z o.o.

81-855 Sopot, Niepodległości Av. 645B, Poland

Phone: +48 501 773 374

Substantive matters

(program, etc.)

Your message will be forwarded to representatives of the Scientific Committee at Lodz University of Technology, Medical University of Gdańsk and Medical University of Lodz.


Registration is now open

Metabolomics Circle (MetCircle 2024) Advances inPharmaceutical Analysis(APA2024)

14 to 16 th of Novemver 2024 in Lodz (Poland) at Lodz University of Technology (Faculty of Chemistry).


Please note that the number of places at the conference is limited. The order of applications is decisive.

If your browser doesn’t not display the table above correctly, please go to the “Registration Website”